Bangladesh Victory Day SMS, Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Status | Bijoy Dibosh Photo, Status (16th December). In most areas, greeting individuals on various occasions is a custom. It improves people’s connection, whether it’s inside their community, family, or elsewhere. SMS is a fantastic method to communicate your ideas and feelings to others.
Wishing all Bangladeshis a very happy Victory Day! Let us remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and be proud of our country’s rich history. Long may Bangladesh continue to thrive!
Bangladesh Victory Day Wishes
The day is celebrated every year with a parade by the Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as various cultural and social programs.
It might assist you in forming stronger bonds with others. Sharing delight with loved ones on every occasion boosts happiness. It has lately been fashionable among the young generation, after the revolution in mobile technology, to send SMS messages to one another. As a result, victory day sms may be a fantastic approach to send your best wishes to your loved ones on this magnificent Victory Day in Bangladesh.
Victory Day of Bangladesh Messages
Bangladesh Victory Day SMS, Wishes, Messages and Quotes. Bangladesh won its independence from Pakistan in 1971 after a nine-month battle. Bangladesh is one of the most populous countries worldwide as well as third largest Muslim country on earth with 90% Muslims living inside it.
On Bangladesh Victory Day Bangladeshis send greetings and wishes to their family, friends and other Bangladeshis using a SMS on various social media platforms.
Victory Day Messages
_16th December is a red letter day for the people of Bangladesh. A day that deserves to be celebrated. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
_The biggest fight for the people of a nation is the fight for independence. Salute to the brave army and people of Bangladesh.
_Every war has results which affects millions of people. The Victory day of Bangladesh is a wave of joy which affected every citizen equally.
_The victory day of Bangladesh is a symbol of the immense victory of good against evil! It was a celebration of the right against wrong.
_Every fighter who sacrificed their life for the freedom of the country will forever stay at the heart of the people. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
_Each of the freedom fighter had sleepless nights trying to drive out the intruders from the nation. On this day, we showcase our respect for them and give them tribute for their bravery. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
Victory Day Wishes
_The people of Bangladesh are forever indebted to the supreme sacrifice of every victim of the Liberation war 1971. Rest in peace and thank you for everything, soldiers.
_Independence brought with it a wave of economic freedom and greater opportunity to grow in the country. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
_It is that day in the year when we take time to remember the real life heroes who gave us the life we are living today. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
_The struggle for freedom was long and gory for the people of Bangladesh. However, the moment they achieved it, there was a sigh of relief in the entire country.
_Let us take a moment to thank each of the souls that have allowed us to live on our terms. Happy Victory day of Bangladesh
_Freedom of Bangladesh is a common victory for all the people of country and they make sure that it is used perfectly.
Bangladesh Victory Day SMS
- 1 war 9 months 7 Birshreshtha 1 country meaning of 1971 the great Victory Day greetings and congratulations to everyone ————
- In exchange for the blood of millions of martyrs, we have acquired the victory. We would sacrifice our blood again if needed to keep the value of victory. We would not let the blood of the martyrs go in vain until we are alive. The great Victory Day wishes to you.
- Muktir lal sobuj ullase pajorer bondhongulo onno alloy udvasito noymaser lalito kkhover dabanole kkhoy hoye jak moner sob nichuta, mounota, hinota. Sobaike bijoy diboser suvechcha…
- Bijoyer Sorup dekhai, Akash-Somoddur,
Megher Pale dheu Er Tale, Bijoyer Sur..
Victory Day SMS Bangladesh
- Open all the windows, I will sing, will sing the song of victory. They will come in silence who has given their lives loving this country. Happy wishes for Victory Day to everyone.
- Today is 16 December. Mohan Bijoy Dibosh. We got our motherland Bangladesh after 9 months of bloody war and 3 million of sacrificed lives on this day in 1971. Shuvo Bijoy Dibosh.
- Love in the red, friendship in the white, pain in the blue, dark in the black and in the green is my Bangladesh. Many many wishes for Happy Victory Day to everyone.
- The victory has guided me the way, has given the hope to live. I sing the song of victory; I want independence. I want to cross the road holding the victory flag. Wishes on happy Victory Day .
- Dream starts in you, ends in you. Yet you are loving, o my Bangladesh. Happy Victory Day Bangladesh.
- O my lovely motherland, you are the place where I born; you are the place where I want to take the last breath. You are and always will be in my blood. Happy Victory Day to everyone.
Victory Day Quotes Bangladesh
- I wish you all a safe and happy Victory Day 2022 celebration.
- Have a safe and enjoyable Independence Day 2022!
- Keep enjoying freedom to its fullest! Happy Victory Day 2022!
- I hope this Victory Day 2022 brings you happiness and hope!
- Here’s to our blessed and glorious free nation!
- Your contribution to moving the country forward is very important. We need to be mindful of how our actions and inactions affect other people’s wellbeing. Have a fun-filled celebration!
- Let us be mindful of everything we can do for our nation to make it a place of wealth, peace, and happiness. Here’s wishing you and your family a safe and happy Victory Day 2022!
- Here’s to the future full of understanding, appreciation, and gratitude. Happy Independence Day!
Today let us take some time to value our nation and never forget the sacrifices from those who gave us freedom. Happy Independence Day!