A much awaited day for Muslims is Shab-e-Barat. It is basically a day fixed according to the Islamic calendar which carries a very important message for Muslims. This day is observed every year between the 14th and 15th of the 8th month of the Arabic calendar. But English dates vary. Dates may even vary by country. However, there are plenty of wishes, messages, quotes and duas for this day that you can make yourself and share with others.
Although this day has virtues for the Muslim community, many people do not understand how the day should be observed. Through this article you will know all about this. The purpose of the day is not only to observe it itself but also to inform others about its activities. However, without wasting any more time continue reading the next sections of the article.
Shab e Barat Wishes
- Today is a night of forgiveness. Find it deep in your heart to forgive all the people that have wronged you in one way or the other.
- If you can forgive yourself, then you can forgive everyone. This is the best gift that you can give to yourself this Shab e Barat.
- O Allah, forgive us for all our sins and add us to those who are blessed. On this holy night (Shab e Barat), we seek forgiveness for all our sins. Please accept our prayers and bless us with your blessings. Shab e Barat Mubarak!
- If you have the courage to admit your mistakes, then you can be able to forgive others. I wish you all a beautiful night. Please remember me in your prayers.
- Allah will constantly bless your life with extraordinary things, and on this day, you must forgive all your adversaries. To you, Shab e Barat Mubarak.
- This Shab e Barat will bring you joy and prosperity in your life. I wish you a happy Shab e Barat.
- Allow Allah’s blessings to illuminate you. Keep Shab-e-Barat in mind.
- Feel Allah’s zeal on this auspicious day. Mubarak Shab-e-Barat.
- May Allah’s blessings be upon you as you live a happy life. Happy Shab e barat to your family.
- Obtain Allah’s blessings and pray for the betterment of life. Shab-e-Barat Mubarak.
- You can forgive anyone if you can forgive yourself. This is the most valuable blessing you can give yourself this Shab-e-Barat.
- May the planet be filled with kindness, peace, and forgiveness. Mubarak Shab-e-Barat.
- May Allah hear your prayers and bless your life with his blessings on this Shab e Barat.
- May Allah bless you with joy and thankfulness on this Shab e Barat throughout your life.
On the occasion of the day you can send some important wishes to your close people so that they are more aware of the day. The date of Shab A Barat of 2023 has already been known. So you can send them to everyone right now. These wishes will surely bring joy and encouragement to others. Tell them that on this day they should pray to Allah for His mercy.
Besides, it is possible to bring success in your life through this day because you can pray to Almighty Allah for your future. There is no better day than asking Allah for forgiveness, so you should make the most of it. Tell others also to perform various acts of worship this night and to ask forgiveness for their past deeds. May Allah determine your best destiny on this day.
Shab e Barat Messages and Quotes
- O Allah, on this night (Shab-e-Barat), forgive me for all my sins and mistakes, open the doors of your mercy for me, and give me the strength to start afresh.
- Tonight is Shab-e-Barat, a blessed night full of forgiveness. May Allah forgive us for all of our wrongs and keep us safe from harm.
- May the night of Shab-e-Barat bring peace, hope, and prosperity to everyone who celebrates it! Shab e Barat Mubarak!
- Tonight marks the night of forgiveness, so let us all take this opportunity to ask for Allah’s mercy and seek His forgiveness.
- Let this night of mercy, Shab-e-Barat, bring us closer to Allah and give us strength to follow the right path.
- May we be blessed with Allah’s mercy and grace on this night of Shab-e-Barat. May our prayers be heard and answered.
- May Allah forgive us for all of our wrongdoings, give us the courage to do what is right, and bless us with His love and mercy.
Human beings have committed various injustices and mistakes at different times, Allah has fixed this day to seek forgiveness for these mistakes. People even pray for their deceased loved ones on this day. That is why it is recognized as an ideal day of forgiveness.
Even Allah determines the life span of all the servants of the world on this day. So pray especially on this day and ask Allah for long life so that He increases the life and gives the opportunity to worship more and more. Also convey these messages to others so that they take advantage of this opportunity of the day. Weep for Allah, He will surely forgive your bad deeds. Deliver these important messages to all the family members.
Shab e Barat Duas
1. Perform Salatul Tasbih
To please Allah, create an intention for four rakaat, nafal, or Salatul Tasbih, and then begin the namaz as usual. Before continuing with the namaz, recite the Tasbih 15 times after saying the Sanaa. The Tasbih here is: “Subhanallahi Wal Hamdulillahi Walaa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar.” One must next recite Ta’wwuz (Auzubillah), Tasmiyah (Bismillah), and Surah-e-Fatiha, as well as another Surah. Recite the Tasbih 10 times more when finished.
The Tasbih is recited ten times more in Ruku. Stand upright and say ‘Sami Allahu Liman Hamida Rabbana Walakal Hamd,’ one must also repeat Tasbih 10 times following Ruku. To please Allah, create an intention for four rakaat, nafal, or Salatul Tasbih, and then begin the namaz as usual. Before continuing with the namaz, recite the Tasbih 15 times after saying the Sanaa.
The Tasbih here is: “Subhanallahi Wal Hamdulillahi Walaa Ilaaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar.” One must next recite Ta’wwuz (Auzubillah), Tasmiyah (Bismillah), and Surah-e-Fatiha, as well as another Surah. Recite the Tasbih 10 times more when finished. The Tasbih is recited ten times more in Ruku. Stand upright and say ‘Sami Allahu Liman Hamida Rabbana Walakal Hamd,’ one must also repeat Tasbih 10 times following Ruku.
2. Praying Nafil on Shab e Barat
Praying using a specific approach on the Holy Night of Shab-e-Barat will bring forgiveness and blessings. Surah-e-Fatiha should be repeated once per rakaat, whereas Surah-e-Ikhlas should be said ten times. This indicates that for every Surah-e-Fatiha in a rakaat, Surah-e-Ikhlas must be recited 10 times. The individual who completes this nafil namaz will be rescued from hellfire, blessed in this life, and Allah Almighty will forgive his sins.
Many people have questions about what kind of dua to make on this day. You can make different types of dua on this day. You can recite Salatul Tasbeeh as it is a very important worship of Shab e Barat. But it is not compulsory, you can spend the day with other prayers if you want. Besides, Nafal Namaz is one of the most important dua of the day. Pray as much as you can.
But if you have missed your obligatory prayers in life then perform them first. Basically this prayer starts after Maghrib prayer, but you can start it after Isha prayer. Also, recite the Quran more and more because the virtues of reciting the Quran on this night are great. Also, do Zikr, but there is no need to stay awake all night.
There are some special activities for Shab-e-Barat that should be thought about in advance. You probably already got enough idea from the above discussion about Wishes, Messages, Quotes, and Duas. But let others know what should be done on this day as well as yourself. You can share these related messages on your social pages which will also let others know about different topics.