Nigeria Independence Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Greeting & Saying: Nigeria Gained Their Independence From British in 1960. This year Nigeria Will Celebrate their Independence Day Nationwide. Nigeria received the status of a ‘federal republic’ and adopted its constitution in 1963. At that time, Nnamdi Azikiwe became the first president.
So, on The 1st October, Everyone of Nigeria People Will share Their happiness and Victorious Moment to Others by Saying “Happy independence Day, Nigeria” and Others Related Messages, Quotes Greeting and Images. However, If you Like to Celebrate The Day With Family and Friends and Want To Congratulate Them, Then We have put Nigeria Independence Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Greeting.
Nigeria Independence Day: Wishes
Let us rejoice in happiness and indulge in celebration… Saluting them who made it possible… Who made Nigeria stand high and mighty. Let us make them our inspiration. Happy Independence Day!
From Struggle… To Freedom… To Progress… Nigeria moves forward. Celebrating with you the pride of being part of a nation that is eternal and ever-new… Happy Independence Day!
Our free life today is the result of 62 years of struggle and sacrifice of many thousands… Big Salute to those great lives. Happy Independence Day!
Let us pay homage to all the brave hearts… Who gave their life for the next generation… We are proud to be Nigerians… Happy Independence Day!
We are proud to be a part of our glorious nation… And we hoist the green flag high… Sending you warm wishes… on Happy Independence Day!
As Nigeria completes another glorious year of her Independence… Here’s wishing you a Happy Independence Day… To all proud Nigerians.
Sending you warm wishes on this Independence Day. Let us salute those great lives who made Nigeria proud. Happy Independence Day!
Let us celebrate the glory of Free Nigeria and uphold the Pride and Honor of being an Nigerian. Happy Independence Day!
Let us remember and honor the patriotism of the people who gave lives to free Nigeria. Happy Independence Day!
May the Pride and Glory of being Nigerian remain in your heart forever… Happy Independence Day!
May the Nigerian green flag always fly high… Warm wishes on this grand occasion of Independence Day!
Nigeria Independence Day: Quotes
As we celebrate the independence day of our nation Nigeria, here is a list of Nigeria Independence Day Quotes:
- Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaced by vague ritual. – Frank Herbert
- A sense of entitlement is a cancerous thought process that is void of gratitude and can be deadly to relationships, businesses, and even nations.
Steve Maraboli - Sometimes a people lose their right to remain silent when pressured to remain silent. Anonymous
- Nations survive and advance with brains, wise policies, and manpower — not through speeches and cheap populist agitation. Anonymous
- Perhaps that is the greatest crime of conquest–that civilization is denied the right to evolve beyond its own embarrassment. Neal Shusterman
- It is only barbarous nations who have a sudden growth after a victory
- Nations and governments come and go, but people remain, and therefore people are the ultimate foundation of what is real and worthy. – Bryant McGill
- The life of nations no less than that of men is lived largely in the imagination. – Enoch Powell
- Every nation determines its own destiny; the clever the nation, the better the fate! – Mehmet Murat ildan
Nigerian Independence Day Image & Photos
For many Nigerians, this special public holiday is well spent with family or friends and sharing traditional meals. Here Are Best Nigeria Independence Day Pictures 2022. You Can Share Those Independence Day of Nigeria Images With Friends on Social Media and Others Ways.
Let’s remember all past heroes who fought for our freedom and unity.
We celebrate the BEAUTY of our people: Unwavering pride, infectious joy, unshakeable resilience, and VIBRANT CULTURE !!
Today is a day that represents freedom, equality and unity. I stand proud to be a Nigerian and on this day of our independence. I want to salute all my fellow Nigerias in honour of this great day. Happy Independence Day
Short Nigeria Independence Day Messages
- Let’s salute the nation.
- I pledge that the labor of our past heroes shall not be in vain.
- Feel proud of being part of a prosperous nation.
- Happy Independence Day.
- Nothing is as good as being an independent and self-sustaining nation.
- Best wishes on Independence Day.
- Wishing you a happy Independence Day.
- Happy birthday our dear country.
- Enjoy the freedom to the fullest.
- May God continue to uplift the country’s glory!
- May Allah bless our country!
- Pleased to be born in a free country.
- We have demonstrated to our colonial masters that we are worthy of independence.
- Today is a very special day for the nation and its people.
- Happy Independence Day to my fellow Nigerians.
- I wish you all a happy Independence Day celebration.
- Have a safe and enjoyable Independence Day!
- I hope this Independence Day brings you happiness and hope.
- Thank you for bringing the nation where it is today.
Nigerian Independence day: Status
- Happy Independence Day Nigeria – a great nation with great people from diverse cultures.
- Happy Independence Day to everyone with Nigerian’s best interest at heart
- Happy 59th Independence Day to Nigeria
- Wishing all those celebrating, a Happy Nigerian Independence Day.
- Wishing all my Nigerian friends a very Happy Independence Day. Best wishes, stay blessed!
- Happy Nigerian Independence Day to my fellow Nigerians everywhere!
- We celebrate the BEAUTY of our people: Unwavering pride, infectious joy, unshakeable resilience, and VIBRANT CULTURE !!
- Happy Independence Day. Despite all of your flaws and imperfections, I can’t imagine not being Nigerian. As our President said 33 years ago and I quote ‘We have no other nation like Nigeria, no matter where you go. We may as well remain here and salvage it together
- Happy Nigerian Independence Day to all my fellow naija peeps!
- I’m proud to be a Nigerian, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. Happy Independence Day
- Happy Nigerian Independence Day to all my Naija’s!!!
- Being Nigerian is the second coolest thing in the world,the first however (and you guessed right) is being Nigerian. Happy Independence Day
- Happy Nigerian Independence Day! Sending Naija Gal love around the world.