Why is National Miner’s Day? What is the primary purpose of National Miner’s Day? The answers are the same for both of the questions. The contributions of miners are honored by National Miner’s Day throughout the country. Only that? The day offers time to show love, care, respect, and appreciation to the hard-working miners. The day also reflects on their sacrifice. That is awesome.
National Miner’s Day 2022
Do you want to know about the history of National Miner’s Day? I’m always there for you, don’t worry.
Congressman Rahall, Congresswoman Capito, and Mollohan introduced National Miner’s Day in the United States House of Representatives. On December 6 in 1907, a terrible mining accident occurred in Monograph, West Virginia. This worst accident resulted in the death of over 362 miners. Hence, December 6 was announced as National Miner’s Day in 2009. So every year, December 6, the day is observed to celebrate and recognize those who take their life into the dangerous profession to help and survey us to stay in comfort.
About National Miner’s Day
Do you know who our real heroes are? Movie’s heroes? Drama’s heroes? Model’s heroes? No, none of them. Our real heroes are the men and the women who spend their every day working hard to make a modern civilization. Do you know our comfort is possible just for them? They make our life easy and comfortable with their sweat.
So, on this day, many people salute the men and women who have chosen the mining profession to make our lives easier—the fancy phone, the luxury automobile, the colorful furniture, the soft cloth, etc. We have used in our daily life are made by those men and women. Why can’t we give a little thanks to them, at least on the occasion of National Miner’s Day?
Way to Observe the Day
Learn about mining History
As the miners are one of the most critical parts of a country, all should know about mining history. Youngers should encourage kids to learn about them.
Learn about the development Industry
All the big industries were tiny at first. Then gradually, it gets more extensive by the sweat of the miners. You can learn about their heroic complicated working method.
Visit a local mining museum.
By visiting a mining museum, you will be able to feel them. An incredible feeling and love will grow in your heart for them. Then you will try to help them, understand them, and make them happy. What is a more beautiful gift to give them than these?
Visit a local mine.
If you try, you will get a mine at local. Try to talk with him/her, know about his/her life, know about their hardship, etc. If you want, you can give a little gift to them.
Finishing Thought
You see, miners put their lives at risk every day by doing hard work. That’s why we should be kind to them and try to help them. We should also treat them well on National Miner’s Day because they want to enjoy the day perfectly.