Without a doubt, microneedling has emerged as the preferred method of treating almost any skin problem. It’s a very adaptable method that utilises the body’s natural healing mechanisms to help treat various skin issues. It can produce excellent outcomes Without requiring significant adjustments or intensive care.
You can do it yourself at home or hire a professional service.
Which is superior, though? Both forms of the treatment have evident advantages, so let’s weigh the advantages and disadvantages and help you determine if at-home or in-office microneedling is right for you.
Microneedling at Home vs. Professional Sessions
These days, one of the most common spa procedures is microneedling. Microneedling, often called Collagen Synthesis Therapy, is a cutting-edge skin-rejuvenation procedure that requires no downtime and causes no discomfort. To promote the dissolution of growth factors (such as collagen or elastane) and the production of newer connective tissue, including apoptosis or repair of scarring, the therapy entails systematically constructing small skin lesions along the skin’s surface. A skincare specialist can do microneedling at your home or at an esthetic clinic in Dubai. Although DIY microneedling might be less expensive than professional microneedling, it is frequently less effective and secure.
The following four factors make in-office microneedling superior to at-home microneedling:
Advanced microneedling generates improvable outcomes
It’s a basic fact that at-home microneedling produces negligible improvement, whereas competent microneedling produces noticeable outcomes. For two reasons, doing microneedling at home won’t ever be as successful as having the treatment done by an expert. First, modern microneedling devices are used by skin care experts. Professional microneedling devices frequently employ needles between 1mm and 3mm in length, but DIY microneedles are usually less than 1mm. Professional treatments yield more obvious outcomes, since longer needles allow for more regulated wounding. Long needles should only be used by professionals, since they can be harmful in the hands of amateurs.
Second, technique is crucial when it comes to microneedling and dermal rolling. The level of experience that amateurs may gain via DIY microneedling videos and blog articles is never going to match that of a doctor of dermatology or aesthetician who has received the necessary training and has treated a wide range of skin types with microneedling.
Advanced microneedling does not need many treatments.
Because of the in-office version’s more intense outcomes, treatment sessions might be shorter. DIY microneedling requires several weekly sessions before the novice observes even the smallest hint of improvement. For most individuals, only one doctor’s microneedling dubai treatment every three to six months is ideal, unless they are trying to cure dark discolouration or acne scars.
Microneedling in dubai by professionals is safer.
When done incorrectly, microneedling can be dangerous since it involves inflicting wounds on the skin with a foreign object, a needle instrument, which may bring in or spread germs. The skin punctures can serve as ideal pathways for bacteria to enter the dermis, increasing the risk of infection. Because experts utilise sterile instruments in a sterile setting, microneedling by specialists reduces this danger.
Additional topics are often included in professional microneedling sessions.
Medical-grade topical therapies, including vitamin K, hyaluronic acid, and different growth factors, are used during many professional microneedling procedures and can improve the outcome. The tiny holes made by microneedling improve topical therapies’ absorption into the skin, boosting their effectiveness.
expert microneedling
With the help of a professional microneedler, you may receive the individualised care you require. Because at-home microneedling lacks the expertise of an experienced professional who understands how to administer the therapy properly, professional microneedling techniques are known to produce considerably greater outcomes. Professional microneedling often uses average needle lengths ranging from one to three millimetres, which is longer than at-home needle lengths and produces better results. Experts who do the microneedling treatment are also more proficient and productive; they employ specialised methods that they are confident will yield the intended outcomes. A customised treatment plan that combines professional microneedling with other treatments, such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, can enhance outcomes and make them more noticeable and long-lasting.
Although the outcomes of professional microneedling are superior, the cost is generally more than that of at-home kits. Nevertheless, many people consider this to be an acceptable trade-off. Individuals undergoing specialist microneedling may also be given a topical cream to apply directly to the area to lower the possibility of adverse effects, pain, and discomfort.
Using Microneedles at Home
Compared to professional microneedling, at-home microneedling uses significantly smaller needles, with an average length of one millimetre. Professional microneedling does not need many sessions, unlike at-home treatments. Considering that the needle lengths used in non-professional procedures are frequently shorter, additional visits are usually needed to achieve the desired outcomes. Because at-home microneedling treatments are usually performed by untrained individuals, there is an increased risk of infection even though they are less expensive than professional microneedling procedures. At-home microneedling treatments may be less expensive than professional treatments, but professional treatments are indeed safer, more effective, and more dependable.