Global Handwashing Day Observed on 15 October To Increasing Awareness and Understanding About How Important of Handwashing With Soap To Prevent Many Diseases and Save Children’s Live as Well as Younger. World Hand Washing Day 2023 Theme “Clean hands are within reach” is Selected by The Organization.
Do You Know the First Global Handwashing Day Was Observed in 2018 Where 120 Million Children Washed Their Hands in More than 70 Countries. Now, The World Hand Wash Day is Endorsed by Most of All Countries Government, NGOs, School and Civil Society more More.
Global Handwashing Day
As Global Handwashing Day 2023 Theme is “Clean hands are within reach” its Aim to The push To Leave no one Behind in The Sustainable Development Agenda. You Can Prevent The Spread of Many Disease by Handwashing With Soap and Water Which is One of The Simplest and Most Effective Ways.
World Hand Wash Day Activities
- Wash your hands with soap at critical times, especially before eating, cooking, or feeding others.
- Model good handwashing behavior, and remind or help others to always wash their hands before eating.
- Make handwashing part of your family meals.
- Establish places to wash your hands in the household, in your community, in schools, workplaces, and in health facilities.
- Promote effective handwashing behavior change in research, policy, programs, and advocacy.
Global Handwashing Day 2023 Theme
- Global Handwashing Day 2023 Theme is “Clean hands are within reach”
- The theme for Global Handwashing Day 2022 is“Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene.”
- The theme for Global Handwashing Day 2021 is “Our Future is at Hand – Let’s Move Forward Together.”
- The theme for Global Handwashing Day 2020 is “Hand Hygiene for All.”
- The theme for Global Handwashing Day 2019 is Clean Hands for All.
Do You Know, Yet, More Than 3 Billion People Still don’t Know About Basic of Handwashing facilities. Now, Many Countries Governments Around The World are Integrating Handwashing into The policies and Programs. We All Know That Prevention is Better Than Cure. So, Let’s Spread The Global Handwashing Day Among our Community and Everywhere.
When to wash your hands?
One must wash hands with antiseptic soap:
- Before and after preparing food.
- Before eating, to ensure you’re not ingesting any harmful bacteria.
- Between handling raw or ready-to-eat food items.
- After using the toilet or changing a baby’s nappies.
- Before and after attending to sick children or adults.
- After working in the garden or any place where dirt and dust are present.
- After touching animals.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends washing hands:
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- After contact with an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
- After handling pet food or pet treats
- After touching garbage

To wash your hands properly, follow these five steps every time.
- Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
- Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
- Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
- Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
Hand-Washing Facts

Global Handwashing Day Quotes
- Please use soap to scrub each hand or you’ll spread disease to all the land.
- Safety first, wash and protect.
- Save Lives and Money. Save Time.
- Seeing is believing, but you can’t see germs.
- Soap and water go hand in hand.
- Some habits are good.
- Stop – please remove germs be decontaminating your hands.
- Stop disease in its tracks.
- Stop spreading germs in seconds.
- Stop! Handwashing is practiced here.
- Ten out of ten patients prefer care from clean hands.
- Use the soap, don’t be a dope.
- War on germs, hand to hand combat.
- Wash for happiness.
- Wash those germs right off your hands.
- Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that lingers.
- Washed hands are caring hands.
- Washing hands prevents disease and puts everyone else at ease.
- We’re all in this together.
- We’re counting on you to clean your hands.
- What are the top ten carriers of infection agents (each one of your fingers).
- Will you please, prevent disease. Wash your hands.
- You are grand if you wash your hand.
- Your hands are lovely.
Global Handwashing Day Slogan
- Be aware, wash with care
- Don’t be a dope, wash your hands with water and soap
- Wash those germs right off of your hands!
- One hand washes the other
- Don’t be a bum, wash off the scum
- No germs allowed Wash your hands
- Don’t be dirty, be neat. Wash your hands before you eat
- Washed hands are caring hands!
- Don’t pass the bug, make handwashing a must
- Bury the germ, wash your hands
- Don’t take it personally
- Clean hands make the world go around
- We’re counting on you to clean your hands
- Wash for happiness
- Drown a bug, save a life
- Hand washing your protection against infection
- We’re all in this together
- Its only right to clean your hands day and night
- Handwashing and caring goes together
- Clean hands, safe hands
- Wash, it’s your duty!
- All hands to the pump
- Clean hands, sound bodies
- Break the germ cycle
On The Observation of Global hand Wash Day 2023, Share Slogans, Quotes, Messages, Pictures and Images to Your Friends and Family to be Aware and Disease Which Can be Control by Washing Hands.