The to-do list method is a wonderful solution to your daily life activity. Most probably have heard about this before, but they might not have a full grasp of understanding about the importance of a to-do list. A to-do list can do wonders to help you sort out your daily activities, it can help to prevent you from forgetting important things and improve your overall life for the better.
Whether you are an employee, a student, or a stay-at-home mom, creating a to-do list is a wonderful strategy that can make your life much easier!
Want to start doing the to-do list method, but are still confused about how to start? Check out our in-depth guide below to help you start your to-do list method journey!
1. Making a List of Activities According to Priority
Before arranging your to-do list schedule, the first thing that you should do is to sort the activities according to priority. Usually, top priority can be sorted out based on the deadline of the task. Tasks with shorter deadlines should be placed as a top priority.
One great approach to creating a to-do list is the SUG (Seriousness, Urgency, Growth) technique. Seriousness involves dedicating daily time to certain tasks and activities. Urgency is about estimating an activity completion based on its significance, and lastly – Growth is an understanding of the risk associated with delaying or procrastinating necessary tasks and activities.
Do keep in mind if you are a working employee, but also need to be responsible for your house chores – you should also put all house chores tasks on your to-do list. Integrating household chores into your to-do list when balancing work responsibilities is crucial for efficient management. For example, you can write down the date for a deep cleaning schedule, book maintenance such as Luce Aircon servicing for your air conditioner, and set aside dates for monthly household shopping, and similar chores to ensure they won’t be overlooked amidst your work responsibility.
By creating a comprehensive to-do list for both your work and household activity, you can effectively prioritize and manage your time, guaranteeing smoother execution of all tasks without any oversights or conflicts. This practice ensures a well-rounded approach to productivity, addressing both work commitments and essential home tasks without disruptions.
2. Creating Estimation of Work Time
Creating a time estimation for the duration needed to finish a task or activity is a great technique to follow when creating your to-do list. These time estimates can foster discipline and accountability in work habits. Moreover, by gauging the time needed for each task – you can prevent activities from overlapping with each other.
3. Making Maximum Work Limits in a Day
When you have made a list of activities to be done, it is important to limit yourself. Limiting yourself means that you have to do a portion of work in a day, for example, a maximum of only doing 5 lists of activities, or working only for how many hours a day, and so on. Setting the limit is important, so you do not work too hard and it interferes with your health due to fatigue and lack of sleep.
4. Marking Activities That Have Been Done
It is very important to mark the activities that have been carried out so that you are not confused about which activities have been completed or not. Not to mention, marking work that has been done can also give you a sense of accomplishment and pride.
What Are the Benefits of a To-Do List?
The to-do list method is not mandatory, but it has tremendous benefits if used in everyday life. Check out below to know what you should start doing to-do list in your daily life.
● Prevent Yourself from Forgetting Tasks
Creating a to-do list serves as a constant reminder of the task awaiting completion. This can help you to not forget about the important thing to do, the next deadline to catch up, and so on. Especially for individuals who often feel forgetful, adopting the habit of using a to-do list can prove incredibly beneficial for you!
● Self-satisfaction
The next benefit is to make yourself feel satisfied when the list of activities is finished. Finishing early can also give you other opportunities to do things that you might want to do.
● Serve as a Diary
Compiling a to-do list can serve as a unique way for a diary. Over time, you can revisit these lists – and it may evoke a distinct sense of reminiscence. Each to-do list can involve a specific moment in your life that reflects your task, priorities, and even accomplishments. This list can even hold a sentimental value which offers a glimpse into your past life and goals.
There are many more benefits to-do list, more than what we’ve provided above. But in the end, utilizing a to-do list will help guide your daily activity and ultimately make you work much more effectively!